Pay Withholding Tax

Here you will find the account for paying the withholding tax and everything you need to know about extending deadlines or paying in instalments. Do you have any questions? The debt collection department can help.

Payment address – Withholding Tax

Federal Tax Administration FTA
Anticipatory Tax + Stamp duties
3003 Berne

PostFinance, Berne
IBAN CH12 0900 0000 3000 4120 3
BIC (Bank Identification Code) POFICHBEXXX

Please always indicate your FTA-ID, UID number or SR-/S number in the designated message box.

Questions & answers about paying the Withholding Tax


Last modification 24.05.2024

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Contact form

Contact by phone
Debt Collection Division

Federal tax administration FTA
Debt Collection Division
Schwarztorstrasse 50
3003 Berne

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