Since the tax total is made up of factors that are determined not only by the Confederation but also by the cantons and the municipalities, the tax burden varies from place to place and from year to year. On this page you will find tax statistics from the last decades for the cantonal capitals.
As English is not one of Switzerland's official languages, only the most important information concerning the Administration is translated into English. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force. Please refer to the German or French original version.
Tax burden in the cantonal capitals 2017 (XLSX, 707 kB, 08.11.2023)Version of 19.09.2018 canton of Jura
Tax burden in the cantonal capitals 2016 (XLSX, 586 kB, 08.11.2023)Version of the 14.06.2017
Tax burden in the cantonal capitals 2015 (XLSX, 586 kB, 08.11.2023)Edition of 18.07.2016
Federal Tax Administration FTA
Tax Policy – Economic Analysis and Tax Statistics
Eigerstrasse 65
3003 Berne
Last modification 18.01.2024