Foreign exchange rates FTA

The Federal Tax Administration FTA and all cantonal tax administrations estimate taxes in Swiss francs. Compensation, wages, income, etc. paid to the taxpayer in a foreign currency must therefore be converted into Swiss francs. For this purpose, the various exchange rates of the foreign currencies are provided by the FTA. Please note that the exchange rates of the foreign currencies vary depending on the tax.

Value added tax

For the conversion of charges in foreign currency, either the monthly average rate published by the Federal Tax Administration FTA or the daily exchange rate (sell) can be used. Taxable persons who are part of a group can use their internal group exchange rate for the conversion.

Monthly average exchange rates
(German version)
These average rates correspond to the arithmetic mean of the daily rates published by the FTA from the 25th day of a month to the 24th day of the following month.
Daily exchange rate
The daily exchange rate is transmitted by the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security FOCBS.
Group exchange rate In the case of invoices in foreign currency between companies of the same group (group relationship), the VAT may be calculated using the group exchange rate. The conversion at the group rate must be maintained for one year.
Cryptocurrencies MWST-Info 07 «Steuerbemessung und Steuersätze» Artikel 1.3.3 «Entgelt in Kryptocoins/-token»

Federal income tax

Course listings

The courses included in this list are usually the closing courses of the last trading day of December (source: SIX Financial Information). In the absence of courses, the last available courses are used. These courses are considered taxable on 31 December (Art. 14 and 17 sec. 1 StHG).

(external application)

Income & Capital Taxes
Price list for domestic and international stocks listed in Switzerland
Price list HB bonds traded off-market
Restructuring / Bonus shares / Portfolio distributions / Liquidations


Course listings of the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (FOCBS)
(external application)
If the share capital or capital stock is denominated in British pounds, euros, US dollars or yen, the profit tax or capital tax will continue to be levied in Swiss francs.

Last modification 01.11.2024

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