Swiss tax statistics

Swiss tax statistics

Here you will find everything about tax statistics, tax burdens and tax receipts in Switzerland. The statistics provide information on value added tax, direct federal tax, withholding tax, stamp duty, the capital contribution principle and the wealth of individuals.
Swiss tax system

Swiss tax system

Here you will find everything about the Swiss tax system. Canton folders and canton sheets provide an insight into the cantonal differences in taxation, right through to tax rates and tax tariffs in the cantons. For future taxpayers and schools, the FTA offers a lecture service and the website «Steuern-easy».
Tax policy

Tax policy

Here you will find everything on legislation in concerning Swiss tax policy: , from dispatches and consultations on legislative projects at federal level, to expert opinions and reports on in the tax area, and detailed documentation on current tax topics.
Media and news

Media and news

Read the latest FTA media releases here and quickly find a contact person for your media enquiry as a journalist or media professional. For media information from the Federal Department of Finance on the topic of taxes, please select FDF media releases.
About us

About us

Find everything about us – from the portrait to the tasks and the strategy with the goals to the activity report, organisation chart and management. As a supplier company, you will also find information on electronic invoicing for suppliers here.
External tax information

External tax information

On this page you will find selected links to the websites of international and national institutions with which the FTA works closely. Private companies and other institutions are not listed here.

FTA services in ePortal

Here you will find links to and explanations regarding all of the FTA's online ePortal services. And you can also learn how to register in ePortal.

Last modification 01.11.2024

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