As English is not one of Switzerland's official languages, only the most important information concerning the Administration is translated into English. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force. Please refer to the German, French or Italian original version.
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Here you will find everything on legislation concerning Swiss tax policy: consultations on legislative projects at federal level, expert opinions and reports on tax, and detailed documentation on current tax topics.
Questions & answers about Swiss tax policy
For information on tax-related votes at federal level, see the votes on the website of the Federal Department of Finance FDF.
The current and completed consultations and hearings are listed on the website of the Federal Chancellery (the documents relating to the bills can also be found there): Consultations and hearings FDF (in German).
The FTA regularly commissions external partners to prepare appraisals and reports (in German) on tax issues. FTA staff regularly write reports on tax issues; these do not necessary reflect the official views of the FTA, the Department or the Federal Council.
Java script is required to display press releases. If you are unable or unwilling to activate Java script you may use the link below to access the Federal Administration News Portal, where you can read the announcements.
Last modification 30.08.2024