If you have any questions about paying VAT, please contact our debt collection teams.
We are there for you
Monday to Friday, 08:30 to 11:30 and 13:30 to 16:30.
Debt collection team 1 / German
BE North (d), BL, BS, GL, GR (d), SG (districts St. Gallen, Rohrschach and Gemeinde Rapperswil-Jona), SO, SZ, TG, UR
+41 58 469 60 96
Debt collection team 2 / German
BE South (d), FR (d), VS (d), ZH (except districts Dietikon and Winterthur)
+41 58 469 60 97
Debt collection team 3 / German
AG, AI, AR, LU, NW, OW, SG (districts Rheintal, Werdenberg, Sarganserland, See-Gaster (execpt Rapperswil-Jona), Toggenburg and Wil), SH, ZG, ZH (districts Dietikon and Winterthur)
+41 58 469 60 98
Debt collection team 4 / French / Italian
GR (i), TI, VD
+41 58 469 60 99
Debt collection team 5 / French
BE (f), FR (f), GE, JU, NE, VS (f)
+41 58 469 29 54
Contat form (German)
Fed. Tax Administration FTA
Dept collection Department
Schwarztorstrasse 50
3003 Berne
Account details
PostFinance, Berne
IBAN CH60 0900 0000 3000 0037 5
BIC (Bank Identifyer Code) POFICHBEXXX
Under messages please indicate VAT number or FTA-ID number and reason for payment, thank you!
Last modification 30.09.2024