Media and news

Media and News

Welcome to the media office of the Federal Tax Administration FTA.

Read the latest FTA media releases here and quickly find a contact person for your media enquiry as a journalist or media professional. For media information from the Federal Department of Finance on the topic of taxes, please select FDF media releases.

The FTA Communications unit supports media representatives with media information in the area of taxation at federal level. Media information is subject to certain restrictions as a result of tax secrecy or international agreements:

  • Media enquiries about specific tax cases can only be answered in general terms to ensure that no conclusions can be drawn about specific cases due to tax secrecy.
  • Media enquiries about specific instances of international tax assistance are subject to the confidentiality clause in double taxation agreements and can only be answered in general terms.

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Contact persons for media representatives:

Patrick Teuscher
Head of FTA Communications

Nadine Ellis
FTA Communications Specialist

Adrian Grob
FTA Communications Specialist

Press releases on FTA topics

All news

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To the Federal Administration News Portal


Last modification 31.05.2024

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