Foreign exchange rates

Considerations in foreign currency need to be converted into Swiss francs for the purposes of calculating the domestic tax and the reverse charge at the time the tax claim arises. The calculation of the recoverable input tax is based on the consideration at the time the input tax is deductible.

For the conversion, either the monthly average rate published by the Federal Tax Administration FTA or the daily exchange rate (sell) can be used. Taxable persons who are part of a group can use their internal group exchange rate for the conversion.

The exchange rates published by the FTA are available here:


  • For foreign currencies for which the FTA does not publish an exchange rate, the daily exchange rate (sell) published by a Swiss bank is applicable.
  • The exchange rate chosen by the taxpayer has to be kept for at least one tax period and has to be used for the calculation of the domestic tax, the reverse charge and the input tax. A change is only possible at the beginning of a new tax period.

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Last modification 30.09.2024

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Federal Tax Administration
Main Division Value Added Tax
Legal Division
Schwarztorstrasse 50
3003 Berne

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